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IPPH Organises Halal Awareness Programme for 50 Children

Oleh: Dr. Nurhidayatul Asma Mohamad 

SERDANG, 19 DEC – The Laboratory of Halal Services, Halal Products Research Institute (IPPH), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) organised a PUTRA@Saintis Halal Cilik programme for children to impart basic knowledge of the halal concept.

50 children, aged 7 to 12 years, participated in the programme which provides them with an early exposure of the halal issues and the halalan toyyiban concept which includes sertu (Islamic cleaning), alcohol, DNA, microscope and gelatine.

Director of IPPH, Prof. Dr. Shuhaimi Mustafa said the activity and experiment demonstrations were held in groups by an experienced technical science officer in a language easily understood by the children.

“The programme is an initiative to provide early exposure to children on the halal concept in their daily lives. This is also a move that supports the university’s role in sharing information with the targeted group,” he said.

According to head of the Laboratory of Halal Services, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Yus Aniza Yusof, PUTRA@Saintis Halal Cilik is a community service activity to instill halal awareness using a scientific approach.

“It is also one of the strategies applied by the Institute in promoting training activities and sample testing services for research purposes and for the industry,” she said as the programme director. - UPM