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UPM offers more than 265 fields of postgraduate study in its effort to transform Malaysia into a higher education hub of excellence at the regional and international level. UPM constantly strives to produce well-balanced students from the academic and ethical aspects. UPM currently has the highest percentage of academicians with PhD in Malaysia. It also provides a conducive environment and invaluable learning experience to its students from more than 60 countries.

- Faculty of Agriculture
- Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
- Faculty of Design and Architecture
- School of Business and Economics
- Faculty of Educational Studies
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Forestry and Environment
- Faculty of Food Science and Technology
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Faculty of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences
UPM also offers 296 fields of study for programme by research that include:
- Master of Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc.)
- Master of Science (M.S.)
- Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Doctor of Engineering (DEng)
List of Courses:
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- Accounting
- Advanced Materials
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace System Design Engineering
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Extension
- Agricultural Policy
- Agriculture Genomics
- Agricultural Mechanisation and Automation
- Agricultural Process Engineering
- Agricultural Technology
- Agricultural Waste Engineering
- Agronomy
- Analytical and Structural Mathematics
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anatomy and Histology
- Animal Behavior and Welfare
- Animal Biotechnology
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Production
- Animal Sciences
- Animal Welfare
- Applied and Computational Statistics
- Applied Comparative Linguistics
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Aquaculture
- Aquaculture Biotechnology
- Aquaculture Engineering
- Aquainformatics
- Aquatic Animal Health
- Aquatic Biotechnology
- Arabic Language
- Architectural Studies
- Automotive Engineering
- Avian Medicine
- Bacteriology
- Biochemical Engineering
- Biochemistry
- Biocomposite Technology and Design
- Biodiveristy and Conservation of Natural Resources
- Bioinformatics and System Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biopolymer, Pulp and Paper Technology
- Bioresource and Technology
- Bioresource Management
- Biotechnology with Bio-entrepreneurship
- Biotherapeutics
- Business Economics
- Business Law
- Cancer Biology and Oncology
- Catalysis
- Cell Biotechnology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Pathology
- Clinical Nutrition
- Clinical Pathology
- Clinical Psychology
- Community Nutrition
- Computable Structures And Scientific Computing
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Computational Mathematics
- Computational Methods in Engineering
- Computational Operations Research
- Computer and Embedded Systems Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks
- Computer Vision
- Control System Engineering
- Chinese Literature
- Communication Technology
- Community Development
- Community Education and Development
- Consumer Science
- Corporate Communication
- Corporate Leadership
- Culinary Science with Nutrition
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Data Science
- Database Systems
- Development Communication
- Developmental Psychology
- Discourse Studies
- Ecology
- Economics
- Education in Malay Language
- Educational Administration
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Technology
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Energy
- Engineering and Renewable
- English Language
- English Literature
- Entomology
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Environmental Economics, Planning and Management
- Environmental Education and Ethics
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology
- Environmental Policy and Governance
- Environmental Pollution Control Technology
- Environmental Quality and Conservation
- Environmental System and Modelling
- Enzyme Biotechnology
- Epidemiology And Biostatistics
- Epidemiology and Public Health
- Equine Medicine
- Ethnomathematics
- Extension Education
- Family Ecology
- Family Economics and Management
- Farm Structures
- Finance
- Financial Mathematics
- Fisheries Science
- Fluid Dynamics
- Food Biotechnology
- Food Engineering
- Food Management
- Food Safety
- Food Service Management
- Food Science
- Food Security and Climate Change
- Food Technology
- Forensic Science
- Forest Management and Ecosystem Sciences
- Forestry
- Gender and Development
- Genetics
- Genetics and Breeding
- Geographic Information System
- Geospatial Engineering
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
- Gerontechnology
- Green Engineering
- Guidance and Counseling
- Haematology
- Halal Products Development
- Halal Products Science
- Halal Products Management
- Health and Rehabilitation
- Health Education and Communication
- Health Promotion
- Health Service Management
- Highway and Transportation Engineering
- Horticulture
- Hospitality
- Housing
- Human Anatomy
- Human Communication
- Human Computer Interaction
- Human Development
- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- Human Genetics
- Human Physiology
- Human Resource Development
- Human Resource Management
- Immunobiology
- Immunopharmacology
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Hygiene
- Information Retrieval
- Information Systems
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Instructional Technology and Innovation
- Integrated Design Studies
- Intelligent Systems
- Journalism
- Laboratory Animal Medicine
- Land Resource Management
- Landscape Studies
- Leadership Studies
- Literacy Studies
- Literary and Cultural Studies
- Malay Language
- Malay Literature
- Management
- Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Mariculture
- Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem
- Marine Biology
- Marine Ecology and Biodiversity
- Marketing
- Mass Communication
- Materials Engineering
- Materials Science
- Mathematics Education
- Mathematical Cryptography
- Mathematical Physics and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Biotechnology
- Medical Gerontology
- Medical Microbiology
- Medical Parasitology
- Medical Physics
- Medical Sciences
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Metabolomics
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Molecular Imaging
- Molecular Medicine
- Moral Education
- Multimedia Computing
- Music
- Nanobiotechnology
- Nanomedicine
- Nanoscience
- Nanotechnology
- Natural Resource Policy
- Neuroscience
- Numerical Analysis
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Nutritional Sciences
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Occupational Safety and Health Management System
- Organizational Communication
- Organic Chemistry
- Packaging Engineering
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Parasitology
- Pathology
- Pest Management
- Pharmacology
- Philosophy and Civilization Studies
- Photonics Engineering
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Phytochemistry
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Physiology
- Plant Science
- Plantation Technology
- Politics and Government
- Post-Harvest Technology
- Project Management
- Process Safety and Reliability
- Psychology of Child Development
- Psychological Medicine/Psychiatry
- Public Health
- Pure Mathematics
- Radiology and Imaging
- Remote Sensing
- Robotic and Automation Engineering
- Rural Advancement
- Ruminant Medicine
- Safety, Health and Emergency Management
- Security In Computing
- Sensor Technology
- Shariah and Halal Laws
- Signal Processing
- Small Animal Medicine
- Social Gerontology
- Social Psychology
- Sociology of Education
- Software Engineering
- Soil and Water Engineering
- Soil Science
- Sports Science
- Statistics
- Stem Cell
- Structural Biology
- Structural Engineering
- Surgery
- Sustainable Plantation Management
- Sustainable Recreation and Ecotourism
- Swine Medicine
- Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
- Theoretical and Computational Physics
- Theriogenology and Cytogenetics
- Toxicology
- Teaching of English as a Second Language
- Teaching of Malay Literature
- Technical and Vocational Education
- Tourism
- Translation and Interpretation
- Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem Services
- Urban Planning and Design
- Vaccine and Therapeutics
- Virology
- Water Resources Engineering
- Wildlife and Exotic Animal Health
- Wildlife Ecology and Management
- Wireless Communications and Networks Engineering
- Youth Studies
A – E
- Accounting
- Advanced Materials
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace System Design Engineering
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Extension
- Agricultural Policy
- Agriculture Genomics
- Agricultural Mechanisation and Automation
- Agricultural Process Engineering
- Agricultural Technology
- Agricultural Waste Engineering
- Agronomy
- Analytical and Structural Mathematics
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anatomy and Histology
- Animal Behavior and Welfare
- Animal Biotechnology
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Physiology
- Animal Production
- Animal Sciences
- Animal Welfare
- Applied and Computational Statistics
- Applied Comparative Linguistics
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Aquaculture
- Aquaculture Biotechnology
- Aquaculture Engineering
- Aquainformatics
- Aquatic Animal Health
- Aquatic Biotechnology
- Arabic Language
- Architectural Studies
- Automotive Engineering
- Avian Medicine
- Bacteriology
- Biochemical Engineering
- Biochemistry
- Biocomposite Technology and Design
- Biodiveristy and Conservation of Natural Resources
- Bioinformatics and System Biology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biopolymer, Pulp and Paper Technology
- Bioresource and Technology
- Bioresource Management
- Biotechnology with Bio-entrepreneurship
- Biotherapeutics
- Business Economics
- Business Law
- Cancer Biology and Oncology
- Catalysis
- Cell Biotechnology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Pathology
- Clinical Nutrition
- Clinical Pathology
- Clinical Psychology
- Community Nutrition
- Computable Structures And Scientific Computing
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Computational Mathematics
- Computational Methods in Engineering
- Computational Operations Research
- Computer and Embedded Systems Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks
- Computer Vision
- Control System Engineering
- Chinese Literature
- Communication Technology
- Community Development
- Community Education and Development
- Consumer Science
- Corporate Communication
- Corporate Leadership
- Culinary Science with Nutrition
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Data Science
- Database Systems
- Development Communication
- Developmental Psychology
- Discourse Studies
- Ecology
- Economics
- Education in Malay Language
- Educational Administration
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Technology
- Electrical Power Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Energy
- Engineering and Renewable
- English Language
- English Literature
- Entomology
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Environmental Economics, Planning and Management
- Environmental Education and Ethics
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology
- Environmental Policy and Governance
- Environmental Pollution Control Technology
- Environmental Quality and Conservation
- Environmental System and Modelling
- Enzyme Biotechnology
- Epidemiology And Biostatistics
- Epidemiology and Public Health
- Equine Medicine
- Ethnomathematics
- Extension Education
F – K
- Family Ecology
- Family Economics and Management
- Farm Structures
- Finance
- Financial Mathematics
- Fisheries Science
- Fluid Dynamics
- Food Biotechnology
- Food Engineering
- Food Management
- Food Safety
- Food Service Management
- Food Science
- Food Security and Climate Change
- Food Technology
- Forensic Science
- Forest Management and Ecosystem Sciences
- Forestry
- Gender and Development
- Genetics
- Genetics and Breeding
- Geographic Information System
- Geospatial Engineering
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
- Gerontechnology
- Green Engineering
- Guidance and Counseling
- Haematology
- Halal Products Development
- Halal Products Science
- Halal Products Management
- Health and Rehabilitation
- Health Education and Communication
- Health Promotion
- Health Service Management
- Highway and Transportation Engineering
- Horticulture
- Hospitality
- Housing
- Human Anatomy
- Human Communication
- Human Computer Interaction
- Human Development
- Human Factors and Ergonomics
- Human Genetics
- Human Physiology
- Human Resource Development
- Human Resource Management
- Immunobiology
- Immunopharmacology
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Hygiene
- Information Retrieval
- Information Systems
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Instructional Technology and Innovation
- Integrated Design Studies
- Intelligent Systems
- Journalism
L – O
- Laboratory Animal Medicine
- Land Resource Management
- Landscape Studies
- Leadership Studies
- Literacy Studies
- Literary and Cultural Studies
- Malay Language
- Malay Literature
- Management
- Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Mariculture
- Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem
- Marine Biology
- Marine Ecology and Biodiversity
- Marketing
- Mass Communication
- Materials Engineering
- Materials Science
- Mathematics Education
- Mathematical Cryptography
- Mathematical Physics and Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Biotechnology
- Medical Gerontology
- Medical Microbiology
- Medical Parasitology
- Medical Physics
- Medical Sciences
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Metabolomics
- Microbial Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
- Molecular Biotechnology
- Molecular Imaging
- Molecular Medicine
- Moral Education
- Multimedia Computing
- Music
- Nanobiotechnology
- Nanomedicine
- Nanoscience
- Nanotechnology
- Natural Resource Policy
- Neuroscience
- Numerical Analysis
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Nutritional Sciences
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Occupational Safety and Health Management System
- Organizational Communication
- Organic Chemistry
P – Z
- Packaging Engineering
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Parasitology
- Pathology
- Pest Management
- Pharmacology
- Philosophy and Civilization Studies
- Photonics Engineering
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Phytochemistry
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Physiology
- Plant Science
- Plantation Technology
- Politics and Government
- Post-Harvest Technology
- Project Management
- Process Safety and Reliability
- Psychology of Child Development
- Psychological Medicine/Psychiatry
- Public Health
- Pure Mathematics
- Radiology and Imaging
- Remote Sensing
- Robotic and Automation Engineering
- Rural Advancement
- Ruminant Medicine
- Safety, Health and Emergency Management
- Security In Computing
- Sensor Technology
- Shariah and Halal Laws
- Signal Processing
- Small Animal Medicine
- Social Gerontology
- Social Psychology
- Sociology of Education
- Software Engineering
- Soil and Water Engineering
- Soil Science
- Sports Science
- Statistics
- Stem Cell
- Structural Biology
- Structural Engineering
- Surgery
- Sustainable Plantation Management
- Sustainable Recreation and Ecotourism
- Swine Medicine
- Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
- Theoretical and Computational Physics
- Theriogenology and Cytogenetics
- Toxicology
- Teaching of English as a Second Language
- Teaching of Malay Literature
- Technical and Vocational Education
- Tourism
- Translation and Interpretation
- Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem Services
- Urban Planning and Design
- Vaccine and Therapeutics
- Virology
- Water Resources Engineering
- Wildlife and Exotic Animal Health
- Wildlife Ecology and Management
- Wireless Communications and Networks Engineering
- Youth Studies