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Father and daughter excited to receive degrees on the same day

By: Azman Zakaria


SERDANG, 30 Oct – Despite the difficulties of having to go back and forth from Sabah to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) three or four times every semester, today, Murhqah Mohd Neng, a father, experienced a joyful moment upon receiving his degree at the same time as his daughter.

Murhqah, 49, from Sandakan obtained a Master of Education degree in Teaching of Malay as a First Language, while his daughter Nur Elyqah, 23 attained a Degree of Science (Food Service Management) at the 42nd UPM Convocation Ceremony here.


Both said that they were very excited and did not anticipate obtaining degrees on the same day, especially because they were in different fields of studies.


"This is our beautiful moment in education as father and daughter," they said.


Murhqah, a teacher at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Padas, Sandakan who enrolled in a Distance Learning Programme (PJJ) said that he had to endure various challenges in pursuing his aspirations, and the most challenging moment was having to travel back and forth three to four times each semester from his place in a remote area, to and from UPM.

"I also need to allocate sufficient fund for the four semesters of study including the cost of the airline tickets," he said.


"I do not expect at all that I can be together with Nur Elyqah on the same day of the convocation ceremony," he said.


Nur Elyqah who was pursuing a full-time study in UPM said that she was thankful to be able to celebrate success together with her father.


"It is seldom that a father and daughter receive degrees on the same day and at the same convocation ceremony,” said the youngest child from three siblings.


Throughout her study in UPM, she said that she only returned to her hometown twice a year.

"The degree is worth the sacrifice," she said and she intends to continue her study to a higher level. - UPM